Summer 2018 Aki Kuroda Sidéral Blue

Sideral Blue
Aki Kuroda
Paintings 1992 - 2017
from June 8 to October 8, 2018
50 paintings from 1992 to 2017
This exhibition, designed by Yoyo Maeght, allows you to discover Aki Kuroda's paintings over 25 years of creation and through the emblematic subjects that punctuate his work: Minotaur, Minosideral, Figure, Cosmogarden, Cosmocity, Alice ...
The exhibition favors monumental paintings which, instead of following a chronological order of realization, are organized by subject. Indeed, in the work of Aki Kuroda, subjects, themes appear and come back over time, over the years.
This is why the first room features as many old works from 1992 as the most recent paintings. For one of the first time, all the elements of Aki Kuroda's creation meet, as in a philharmonic orchestra, to play together.
Each of the eight rooms allows a total immersion in the painting, the paintings invade the whole walls.
Some paintings are exhibited for the first time, such as those composed in 1992 in total complicity with Pascal Quignard who designed the texts painted by Aki Kuroda.
This is the first retrospective of the artist in France. Giving us the opportunity to get closer to Aki Kuroda, in his intimate world and the bubbling creativity of his workshop. Aki Kuroda composed the last room on site.
Born in 1944 in Kyoto, Japan, he did his visual apprenticeship in the legendary magazine of the 1930s, The Minotaur, it is a real aesthetic shock when he discovered the works of Picasso and Dali.
He leaves Japan for New York then Paris where he settlesd efinitely in 1970.